Informations below are mandatory according to German law (§5 Telemediengesetz):
Images of our office by PhotoSerieux, Edith Ernst
Images of our team by Photostudio Geyer
All other images taken by Tobias Berndt
Legal notice, privacy policy and disclaimer by lawyer Sören Siebert
jQuery by jQuery-Foundation
Icons by FlatIcon / FreePic
HTML-Tooltips by Tooltipster
Font licences
+49 (0)241 504724
praxis (ät) zahnarzt-berndt (punkt) de
Job title:
Dentist, approved in Germany since 13 Dec. 2003
Liability insurance:
JANITOS AG, Im Breitspiel 2-4, 69126 Heidelberg
Geltungsbereich Deutschland
General dentist's council in charge
Landeszahnärztekammer Nordrhein, Monheimsallee, 52064 Aachen
Regulatory authority in charge:Clearing authority in charge:
Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Nordrhein, Monheimsallee, 52064 Aachen
Professional law and rules:
- Berufsordnung der Zahnärztekammer Nordrhein
- Heilberufegesetz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Responsible for these pages is:
Tobias Berndt, see above
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